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ADP Business Administration


The Associate Degree programme in Business Administration is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of contemporary social, economic and political realities which impact the global business environment. The programme aims to integrate the knowledge of the functional areas of the corporate world to enable students to see management problems in a holistic perspective. The two years degree provides students with an opportunity to understand and acquire business management, leadership and decision-making skills needed for today\'s dynamic business environment including:

  • A variety of organizing, planning, controlling, team-building and communicating skills necessary to effectively manage and lead organizations in a diverse and dynamic environment.

  • Problem analysis and decision-making skills required for handling challenges faced by modern businesses.

  • Out-of-the-box thinking to find contemporary solutions to global business problems.

  • Ability to design and propose effective policies for value creation through core business processes of any organization.

  • Use of quantitative and qualitative tools to identify potential business opportunities and successfully materialize new entrepreneurial ventures.

Associate Degree Programs 
Entry Criteria 

Intermediate or equivalent.

Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Computing
Islamic Studies
Business Communication
Introduction to Sociology
Statistics and Probability
Analytical Reasoning
Language II
Pakistan Studies
Principles of Marketing
Human Resource Management
English III
Principles of Management
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Microeconomics
Business Information System
Practical Learning Lab I
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Practical Learning Lab-II
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